Documentation Resources

These sites are good places to learn about Read the Docs (RtD), Sphinx, and all the things you can do in .rst files:

To write more effective software documentation generally, here are some useful sites:

  • The 18F Content Guide houses best practices for software documentation focused on user experiences and needs, particularly as related to government websites.

  • Write the Docs, a community focused on communication and documentation, has a catalog of learning resources (including videos and tutorials) as well as a robust documentation guide. This community also has a GitHub repo.

  • Docs as Code provides resources for development teams to build documentation repeatably and consistently across multiple platforms.

  • The Documentation System emphasizes four types of documentation: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference, and explanation documents. The site provides examples of and tips for each.

  • The Good Docs Project, to which you can contribute, includes templates and writing instructions for documenting open source software. The organization’s templates go through a rigorous writing, reviewing, and refining process.

  • The Beautiful Docs repo has a list of language- and program-specific documentation resources.